About the Team

How We Worked

Graphiant was emerging from stealth mode, operating with a small, highly specialized team. Our focus was rapid iteration on a Network as a Service (NaaS) portal—balancing the urgency of a new startup launch with the production rigor required for an enterprise networking solution. To foster collaboration between design and other domains, we adopted a hypothesis-driven approach, meaning we set clear goals (e.g., “Cut onboarding time by 50%”) and tested features against real data to confirm we were moving the right needle—not just moving the needle right.

Team Structure

Design: 1 Product Design Lead (me) + a Senior UI Designer
Engineering: Director of Service Engineering + 3 Frontend Engineers + 1 QA Specialist
Product: 1 Product Owner + 2 Product Managers overseeing backlog priorities and sprint scopes
Stakeholders: 3 Sales Engineers consulted for user feedback and feasibility checks

Remote Collaboration

Our designers joined a team that followed two-week sprints with standard Agile ceremonies—standups, sprint planning, and retros. Each design sprint began with a testable hypothesis, ensuring every feature aligned with a quantifiable outcome. We held daily syncs and mid-sprint demos to catch potential issues early, whether those were engineering constraints or user experience pivots.

My Role as Player

I directly contributed to web portal design using a UI library in Figma—prototyping new features, conducting user interviews, and writing user stories to keep our design team unblocked. Throughout the process, I built a hypothesis-driven design practice, ensuring we demoed our routine experiments and distilled what we learned into actionable insights.

My Role as Coach

I also guided the team in creating protocols for design system governance and user interview best practices, including how to craft unbiased questions and effectively document findings. By operationalizing these methods, we fostered a lean, evidence-based environment where our design iterations were shaped by real user feedback.
The Vision

Single Pane of Glass or Total Pain in the A*

This early mockup of our D3.js charts intends to show every link, device, and site in real time—creating that single pane of glass experience our sale engineers desired most. But as the network deployment itself was manual, error-prone, and inconsistently configured, the real chart was largely empty after week 10.
The Situation

Onboarding was Killing Sales Momentum

Our D3.js experiments were developing nicely, but when it came down to connecting every device, link, and site in an enterprise network—our underlying setup was brutally manual. Long, manual onboarding didn’t just waste engineering hours—it slowed the entire sales cycle.

  • Multiple inconsistently organized spreadsheets of IP addresses, VLANs, rules.
  • Manually migrating an enterprise was taking three months or more.
  • The “single pane” D3.js map is worthless if the data is missing, mislabeled, or outdated.
MacBook mockup
Our  Hypothesis

"We believe we can cut onboarding in half by automating tedious network mapping steps."

Our Tasks & Constraints
  • Cut average enterprise network onboarding time by 6 weeks
  • Without increasing onboarding-related support tickets
  • Delivered in less than 8 weeks
Colorful gradient
Early Attempts

Magic and History

In our remote-first environment, we ran two-week sprints with daily standups and mid-sprint demos over video calls. Design, engineering, and product all collaborated asynchronously through chat and Kanban boards, ensuring each sprint kicked off with a clear hypothesis. Despite the team’s focus on quick, iterative experiments, our initial solutions—Bulk Import via CSV and three-level Policy Tags—didn’t fully solve the onboarding hurdles. Below is a look at why these early attempts fell short, and how we pivoted to a more flexible, DRY-friendly approach.

CSV Upload: Swing and a Miss

We started with a CSV Upload feature where admins could dump all their IP addresses, VLANs, and firewall rules. It became clear that mismatched columns, missing fields, and error handling undercut the entire time-saving premise and, while it would make development faster, our portal UI library would not make work easier for our users.

Policy Tags: Half of our Perfect Solution

We later began mapping out criteria for a new Policy Tags feature—basically a three-level structure (L0, L1, L2) for region, domain, and site. The user was to attach rules at each level, dividing the network into neat zones. This worked well for firewall policies, but the equipment settings didn't map effectively in a small hierarchy, so we ditched that part of the model.

The Solution

How Atomic Design Works

After wrestling with CSV imports and zone-based policy tags, we realized our network architecture needed a more modular approach—one that treated every piece of configuration (like circuits, firewall rules, VLANs) as a reusable building block. Web UI people will think of this concept as "variables" or “atoms” or "tokens" and other things inspired by DRY principles, and applied to networking. Just as repeating color codes in CSS leads to errors, so does repeating IP ranges, subnets, or VLAN definitions across multiple router or firewall configs.
Atoms are your most basic fields or directives, like an IP address (, a subnet mask (/24), or a circuit name (CLE-HQ-Circuit-1). By keeping these granularity of this information atomic, you can define them once and reference them everywhere.

AtomsThe Smallest Network Elements

Atoms are your most basic fields or directives, like an IP address (, a subnet mask (/24), or a circuit name (CLE-HQ-Circuit-1). By keeping these granularity of this information atomic, you can define them once and reference them everywhere.

A UI form displaying settings for a WAN circuit.
Molecules group related atoms into cohesive configuration blocks—like a these Circuit settings. If atomic values (ie CLE-HQ-Circuit-1 or Comcast) change, the molecules defined by those atoms are updated, saving you from combing through multiple device configs.

MoleculesBundling Config Blocks

Molecules group related atoms into cohesive configuration blocks—like a these Circuit settings. If atomic values (ie CLE-HQ-Circuit-1 or Comcast) change, the molecules defined by those atoms are updated, saving you from combing through multiple device configs.

Organisms are multiple molecules named as policies, rules, and device settings. Our workbench allows users to deploy more consistently while retaining the ability to trace every local deviation back to its underlying atoms or molecules. This ensures custom configuration remains visible and controlled, rather than lost in a sea of one-off exceptions.

OrganismsSegments, Servers, Policies, & Rulesets

Organisms are multiple molecules named as policies, rules, and device settings. Our workbench allows users to deploy more consistently while retaining the ability to trace every local deviation back to its underlying atoms or molecules. This ensures custom configuration remains visible and controlled, rather than lost in a sea of one-off exceptions.

Templates combine one or more organisms into a full device profiles—for example, connectivity is managed in HQ-Gateway-Profile and routing in HQ-OSPF-BGP-Fallback bundling WAN/LAN molecules, firewall and BGP organisms. Deploying a new site then becomes as simple as selecting the relevant template—no more copy pasta.

Templates Preconfigured Device Profiles

Templates combine one or more organisms into a full device profiles—for example, connectivity is managed in HQ-Gateway-Profile and routing in HQ-OSPF-BGP-Fallback bundling WAN/LAN molecules, firewall and BGP organisms. Deploying a new site then becomes as simple as selecting the relevant template—no more copy pasta.

The Results

Centralized Network Design System Cuts Enterprise Onboarding Times in Half

Onboarding Time

Cut onboarding to ~3-4 weeks, giving new enterprises near-instant payoff.

Error Reduction

Roughly 40% fewer support tickets related to manual misconfigurations.

Enterprise Ownership

Reduced total cost of ownership (TCOS) by up to 67% compared to MPLS.

Single Pane of Glass

Finally delivered the D3.js topology that displays real-time, trustworthy visibility.

Team Confidence

Everyone aligned on the mental model, minimizing repeated work.

Mockup of Global Objects Workbench

See more screens here

Don’t just take my word for it

Here are highlights from the performance reviews I've solicited from my team.
"Bobby tackled everything from day-to-day tasks to complex features. He always keeps a user-centered focus—whether in concepting or usability testing. Because of his efforts, our clients and our design team has a real sense of direction."
Mili Kuo, Senior UI Designer
Mili Kuo
Senior UI Designer
"I’m grateful to have worked with Bobby. He’s been crucial to Graphiant, consistently delivering and bridging communication between our teams. His daily presence improved our velocity and morale—even in a remote-first setup."
Kristen Gee, Product Manager
Kristen Gree
Product Manager
"It was an honor working with Bobby and I'm sorry we couldn’t retain him as long as we wanted. Regardless, his impact on streamlining onboarding and championing design ops is undeniable. We’re thankful for the path he set."
Arsalan Kahn, Director of Software Engineering
Arsalan Kahn
Director of Software Engineering
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